St Mary Magdalen Church Mortlake
Please click on the "News and Events" tab for our newsletters and information
and on the button beside to help the work of the Parish, thank you.
Please subscribe to our newsletter
to receive details of our latest news
(the link is at the bottom of this page)
Live-streamed Mass & Spiritual Communion
Link to Southwark parishes that live-stream Mass
Several Parishes within the Archdiocese live-stream Mass each weekend. We have compiled a list of those that currently do so, along with links to each stream. Please check the times of services since these may change from the normal advertised routine in the present circumstances.
Spiritual Communion
If we cannot get to Mass, we are encouraged by
Pope Francis to make a spiritual communion.
A prayer sheet has been produced by the
Catholic Bishops' Conference of England and Wales, including a prayer for spiritual communion.
Click here to view / download.

Please download the latest newsletter
from our digital archive and please
subscribe to our latest newsletter via
For our latest information
For details of our Masses
We are grateful to all those who help and whilst all can aid us practically by prayer, we are in need of volunteers
to help ensure that the Parish can function
by being Welcomers, Cleaners, Readers
and Extraordinary Ministers.
If you can volunteer, please email with the
subject line "I CAN HELP" to Mortlake@RCAOS.org.uk
The Parish Office is open from 10.30am to 3.30pm
from Wednesday to Friday.
Please note, the Parish Administrator works only part-time,
so please be aware that voicemails and emails
will be answered as soon as possible.
Please note: the Office is closed on Mondays and Tuesdays.
The Cemetery is open daily from 9am to 3pm
except for emergencies when the cemetery
may have to be closed at short notice.